Wednesday, November 4, 2009

For the Love of Dragon

On our journey to the Blaze and Sleepy Hollow the other day, Tara and I ventured into my favorite sort of store:  a dog store.  I realize this is a far cry from a shoe store.  I feel this is how mother's of young children must feel walking past adorable kids clothing stores. I just love all the toys and fun things for dogs.

My dogs are in need of some toys.  I got them some aliens from Target which they promptly amputated.  Their squirrel has no hands/paws/arms and I find stuffing all over the apartment.  They had a little bulldog that was unfortunately decapitated.

In fact, one of the only toys that has stood the test of time is a baby toy I bought when I first got Mr. Mop.  I was told that baby toys hold up better.  It's true.  Granted, Mop tore of the toy's nose but otherwise the blue puppy is fine.  But he's in Vancouver.

They have rubber toys but they just don't seem to love them as much as the plush.  After all, plush is snuggly and probably more fun to whip around in an attempt to break a neck.

At this dog store (that told us we were in the wrong town for Blaze! Sign?) I found a myriad of fun toys.  But what drew my eye was an adorable pink dragon.  This thing is built with this new technology chew guard thingy.  I asked if it would survive the munching of my nine-pound yorkie.  I was assured that this toy could withstand anything.

Brooklyn fell in love immediately.  For an hour, he cuddled and played with the dragon.  He also managed to chew off a tip of a wing, an ear and a bit of the nose.  I contacted the company to let them know that so far their 'chew guard' technology was failing in the jaws of an overgrown rat.  Apparently, as long as the pink dragon stays together at the seams than what a dog chews off is their own business.


Not that I would think of taking the dragon away from Brooklyn.  He has formed a special bond with this dragon.  A very special bond.  Never in his little life has he ever defended himself against Mop. Mop always takes away the toy that Brooklyn is playing with. Brooklyn never seems to care (I have tried teaching sharing but apparently this is not a concept graspable by canines).  Except when it comes to Dragon.

He really loves this thing.

If Mop comes to get it, Brooklyn puts up a fierce little fight.  He dances for it when the Engineer makes it fly while doing this weird spaceship noise thing.  After a walk, he immediately goes to find it.  He takes it under the bed with him, he takes it to his crate, he takes him under the couch.  He gallops around the house, dangling the dragon from his mouth.  They are the same size.  He sleeps with it.  He lays his head on it.

In fact, the Engineer once found Brooklyn 'kissing' the dragon and grooming it in the same fashion that Mop does to him.

Should I be worried?

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