Wednesday, November 11, 2009

The Engineer's New Job Makes it to SNL

Although the Engineer was a bit bummed at not getting his first choice job back in Calgary, I feel he can take comfort in the fact that his new place of work is famous.  SNL Weekend Update famous.

The Engineer will be working at the bank Goldman Sachs.  It's famous for lots of reasons.  I know about it because it gets a mention in the NYC Water Taxi Harbour tour.  And it's always mentioned on SNL.

Unfortunately, this clip doesn't paint it in the best light.  In fact, the Engineer points out that he now works for one of the most hated companies.  I think it's cool.
Seth and Amy's 'Really?'

If you can't view Hulu in Canada, download the hotspot shield  Now you can watch American TV in Canada!  Muhahahaaa

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