Tuesday, July 8, 2008

My Blonde Roots

Sometimes I find that my brain malfuntions - and it is highly embarrassing. Perhaps the problem is that my mouth works faster than my brain and I should just wait until it catches up.

The worst habit I have is saying the wrong words. And with this I realize I have turned into my mother. My mother often says things incorrect. For example she has called 'La Senza' 'La STenza' for years. I correct her but she has failed to learn. 

I am similar - except it isn't the same word. Okay okay, maybe there are some words. Like facade.  I always say it wrong.  I have to say it three times before I get it right.  

On our recent trip to Cuba I made several mistakes.  On the first night I popped my knee out of its socket and I did it on a stage in front of people.  The next day, as the Engineer rolled me past the stage in my wheelchair (yes readers, you heard correctly) I said: "Here we are at the site of the problem".  But bless the Engineer's heart; he can somehow understand me.  He knew that I meant,  "Here we are at the scene of the crime".  

The whole popping out the knee and inability to walk properly made me even more klutzy than usual.  When this was commented on I replied by saying, "Yes, I am really tricky".  Tricky!  How do I confuse that with klutzy?

At Christmas I call the last present the 'Piece de renance", so now the Engineer always says that phrase to make fun of me.  

I am a clever girl, just not good with words at times.  

The worst and most embarrassing example unfortunately highlighted the fact I had been skipping theatre history.  During my days of theatre school, I may have skipped the 10am theatre history class after nights of performing on stage.  I copied notes from my friend and showed up on a Friday.  At the time we were learning about Goethe.  Notice the spelling.  So I had tons of 'Goethe' in my notes and suddenly my teacher can't shut up about a dude named 'Gerta'.  After about a half hour of this confusion, I turn to my friend and asked her who the hell "GOETHE" was.  Dear God, no wonder my teacher hated me.  *note:  he hated all the BFA actors for some reason

Numbers make me even more confused, I need to learn to shut up before I open my mouth.  While walking the dog tonight (yes, the dog-lema has been solved), we walked past a beautiful house that was for sale.  I picked up the brochure and scanned for the price.  The cost of the house was a whopping $9 498 399!!!  I stopped, confused, and then said, "Is this house almost a billion dollars?"  The Engineer nearly peed himself laughing.

I need to keep my thoughts to myself.

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